Want To Create A Great Product…
| By Kevin Johnson | No comments
Want To Create A Great Product? First, Forget “User Friendliness” http://t.co/oAxeJ9y6 – interesting approach to user interaction
| By Kevin Johnson | No comments
Want To Create A Great Product? First, Forget “User Friendliness” http://t.co/oAxeJ9y6 – interesting approach to user interaction
| By Kevin Johnson | No comments
Bought an AppleTV and finally got it all hooked up to Ipad2 for mirroring. Thanks to 1/2 down the page & a mini USB http://t.co/a8ZINbTW
| By Kevin Johnson | No comments
5 Best Collection Of Free PHP eCommerce Scripts http://t.co/rUnQWQB7 via – Nice collection for e-commerce
| By Kevin Johnson | No comments
Just upgraded IPad to iOS5 – removed all my apps and had to restore everything. #apple #ipad #ios5
| By Kevin Johnson | No comments
Was just touring the World Dairy Expo – quite the display of livestock and machinery #wde11
| By Kevin Johnson | No comments
An example Twitter sent to an account name TwitterAccount would look like:
@TwitterAccount Can’t wait to attend. Are there rooms still available? #eventname
The @TwitterAccount would direct it to the TwitterAccount account. #eventname is considered a hash tag and Twitter explains here. The #eventname would let others who search for #eventname find the tweet, but one does not have to always send to someone. So, another Tweet might just use the hash tag:
I’m at #eventname Anyone know a of a good restaurant close to the Event?
or another might look like:
Stop by booth 100 and register to win a prize. Drawing at 4 o’clock #eventname
They take a url and shorten it, making it easier to enter and or tweet. URL shortening started because Twitter only allowed limited characters. For example, http://www.amplitudedesign.com/web-development/online-marketingcommunications/ when shortened becomes http://bit.ly/nYuFNL. Bit.ly also tracks how many times a bit.ly url is clicked on. Bit.ly can also generate a QR code for every url, which can be displayed by adding .qr to the end of any bit.ly shortened url.
Bit.ly version
QR Code Version:
QR Codes are explained on Wikipedia.